Hello and welcome. I’m so glad you’re here! I’m not one to go on about myself, but I get that you probably want to see if I’m someone you can trust, so here’s a bit about how I got here.

About a decade ago, I received a recommendation from my hygienist about a chiropractor she loved. I made an appointment, and after a few adjustments, something unexpected happened. The chiropractor tapped into deep-seated trauma that triggered uncontrollable sobbing. She eventually asked if I’d be open to a different kind of adjustment and introduced me to an emotional coach and energy worker who helped me begin the process of clearing multi-generational ancestral wounds.

This experience led me to connect with other amazing people in the healing world. I received an array of recommendations at just the right times, each one facilitating the next step. I look back and see a receiving line of the kindest souls, each offering their unique bit of magic and passing me along, like a receiving line of lightworkers. My path included meditation, shamanic journeying, psychic assistance, channeling, Reiki, crystal therapy, tarot, yoga, chakra healing, breathwork, a journey around the medicine wheel, light language activations, and eventually Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT).

It was quite a journey of discovery and healing. After two SRT sessions, and seeing the impact it had on my friends and family, I found an amazing teacher and became a certified Spiritual Response Therapy practitioner. Whether you found your way here through a trusted friend or were guided by your intuition, Spirit brought you here for a reason. I hope to hear from you.

Deep bow of gratitude to Jan, Nicole, Daryn, Marni, Alysse, Lily, Morgan, Emily, Janel, Jen, Ana, Kathleen, Judea, Dakota, Morrigan, Erin, Franny, Kelsie, MJ, Todd, Tamara, Tanya, Mom, Gram, Mama Cass, the ancestors who persevered and passed on their gifts, and all the committees, councils, helpers, and array of galactic family out in the multiverse.


HEALER + channel + crone